Monday, August 16, 2010

Summer Garden 2010 - Santa Cruz Mountains

Summer in the Santa Cruz Mountains – Tomato’s & Basil…
I had planned to have an entire garden filled with every imaginable vegetable & fruit. From Honeydew to Musk Mellon and Arugula to Artichokes. Yes, there was to be towering sweet corn and lovely vines of sweet peas. Well, it turned out to not quite work out this year. I planted a tidy crop of strawberries, some kitchen herbs and way, way too many tomatoes. Sadly the soil around the house is far too sandy and somewhat suspect in general. So, we did everything in pots. Picture a driveway almost totally covered with varying sizes of tomato plants and an odd assortment of cilantro, multiple kinds of basil and the aforementioned strawberry plants.
What does all this mean? It means that we are eating caprese salad almost every day now. Fresh mozzarella, hand picked heirloom tomatoes and lots and lots of basil. It is nice. It’s not the cornucopia of veggies we had hoped for, but I am certainly having more success here with my tomato plants then I ever did in San Francisco. Yep. No doubt about that.

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